Power Vent Attic Fan Motor 1/10hp 1050 RPM 115 Volts # PD2957
by Lomanco
Buy new: $48.50
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Review & Description
This motor is similar to the Lomanco motor # F0510B2497. The motor has mounting bolts on both the front and back of the motor. If your motor mounts with a belly band around the motor (5" Diameter motor), this motor should work fine. The shaft is 3 1/44" long. 1 Year manufacture warranty.
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #10660 in Home Improvement
- Brand: Lomanco
- 3.4 amps @ 115 Volts 60hz.
- 5" Diameter Motor - Shaft: 1/2" Diameter x 31/4" with Flat on Shaft
- Motor 2 1/4" thick without shaft; CW rotation facing the shaft
- 4 studs on shaft 4" on center, measured across shaft
- 3 studs on back, 4" on center.